Item Details

1.add pages and make their heriaricy And set  front page=home , posts page=home blog.
2.after header.php copy tpl-vc.php to root
3.Pages>home page->Edit (set Template=visual composer) . And update the page.
4.make the sidebars widgets and register it in all in functions.php
5.added all custom post types in includedesresourcepost-types.php
6.added metaboxes for custom post types in includesvafpressadminmetaboxmeta-box.php
7.installed 2 plugins (js_composer) & (revslider) in D:xampphtdocsxampparkitektwp-contentplugins.
8. making short code in includeshelpers

  • Client:
  • Skills: ,
  • Author Name: Derek Andorson
  • Author URI:
  • Release Date: 2014-06-07